Our work spans diverse geographies but centres thematically in the space of ecological and social equity. Through a mix of academic research, action-research and grassroots involvement, we hope to contribute in a small way to a more equal future. Our focus is on the thematic areas below.

Our work focuses on reimagining relations between animals and humans in a time of massive changes. We commit to understanding animal and human adaptations to changing environments and exploring spaces for shared existence.
Current Projects:
Camera Trap-based Monitoring of Large Mammals in Smallholder Coffee and Cardamom Farms (2021-Present)

Within this thematic area, our work has focused on co-creating biodiversity-friendly farming practices with smallholder producers in Southern India. To strengthen regenerative practices, we delve into non-extractive farming methods and build access to markets that return value to producers. More recently, building climate-resilient farming practices has become an area of focus for our capacity-building programmes
Current Projects:
Decentralised Nurseries for Indigenous Trees, Centre for Social Markets (2022)
Participatory Science in Coffee Landscapes, National Geographic Society (2019-Present)

We work alongside communities to have conservations about hopeful futures. Focussing on capabilities, allows roadmaps for social and livelihood security. A key component of work includes incubating community-led enterprises for positive social and environmental change.

Our outreach activities are fun, engaging and explore how people can chart their own futures. We have done comic books and we currently run a wildly popular YouTube channel.
Current Projects:
Grounds for Change - with Quicksand Design Studio, Bangalore Sustainability Forum (2021-Present)
Kaadina Makkalu, Children of the Forest, (2021-Present)

With this initiative, our goal is to shift sustainability, conservation and development discourse in ways that centre around equity, empathy and impact. We aim to build support for this across various ecosystems through active outreach and public engagement.